Bot Lane Tier List – These Are The Best Bot Laners In LoL Patch 13.15

Which champions dominate the bot lane in League of Legends in patch 13.15? We have listed the strongest carries for you in this bot lane tier list!

Bot Lane Tierlist Header Image
Bot lane tier list LoL patch 13.15: These are the strongest carries in the game! | © Riot Games

A look at the bot lane tier list for LoL patch 13.15 tells us that Kai'Sa's reign of terror over the bot lane is still over, and her mains have not yet managed to come up with another crazy build. We certainly hope that their desperation will not lead them to steal items from DotA 2.

However, another marksman has made herself comfortable on the bot lane throne...

Check out our other champion Tier Lists in the meta:

Bot Lane Tier List For LoL Patch 13.15: These Are The Best Bot Laners

3. Miss Fortune

Captain Fortune
The pirate queen is back! | © Riot Games

A fan favorite has made her return! The recent item changes have been beneficial for Miss Fortune, and nerfs to her competitors have also helped her to get back to the top of the marksman world.

This is not only down to her general power level. The Bounty Hunter also shines with flexibility, as she can pick between two item builds that are almost even in power! Against teams with big frontlines, she can pick up a crit build and melt some tanks down with Infinity Edge and Lord Dominik's Regards.

If she would rather stay a few steps behind and let her spells do the talking, she can instead go for a Lethality build with Eclipse or Youmuu's Ghostblade as her mythic item of choice. Her R – Bullet Time will certainly leave a mark!

2. Ezreal

Star Guardian Ezreal
Lotta good mages out there! None of them are this hot! | © Riot Games

Who needs a map? Ezreal certainly does not! He has once more found his way to the S tier, also profiting off his competitor's nerfs. His popularity also increases among pro players once more!

He is not only fun to play, he can also call himself one of the safest laners in the entire game. His E – Arcane Shift helps him to dodge skill shots and to get out of dangerous situations – or to chase down the last opponent foolish enough to try and fight the swift explorer.

1. Ashe

Championship Ashe Skin
We thought it would be fitting to list her with her championship skin, considering she is the champion of the bot lane meta right now. | © Riot Games

In the previous mid-patch update, we have taken Ashe off her throne because Kai'Sa proved to be better as the patch cycle progressed. With Kai'Sa nerfed out of the way and no changes to Ashe and her items, the Freljordian marksman is now back at the top!

Over the years, she was always know as a utility-heavy marksman thanks to her Passive – Frost Shot slow and her E – Hawkshot vision. Her R – Enchanted Crystal Arrow was always considered a strong engage tool too. Buffs in recent patches helped her damage shine too, as she is now a potent hypercarry and really difficult to get away from!

Bot Lane Tier List For LoL Patch 13.15

Bot Lane Tier List 13 15
Kai'Sa has finally been knocked off S tier in our tier list. | © Riot Games

Now that we have looked at the S-Tier of LoL Patch 13.15, it is about time that we check out where some of your other favorite champions are. Which of these picks is your main?

Who Are Our A-Tier Bot Laners?

The A-Tier is still considered excellent. These are champions that you can easily pick and still win games. They're the ones you'll want to choose when the S-Tier are banned. So if you want to climb solo queue, then these are some picks you'll want to pick up this patch.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate






Kai'Sa is the only marksman sitting in A tier. While our resident mages have outstanding win rates in bot lane, we have refrained from putting them into S tier because of their low pick rates.

Who Are Our B-Tier Bot Laners?

The B-Tier consists of champions that are good, but won't have as much strength as either the A- or S-Tier — obviously. These are picks you can pick in specific match ups, but we suggest making sure you master the champion before choosing them.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate










Vayne has made it back into B tier! Her laning phase is still difficult, but she is seeing some decent success after recent meta shifts. If you are mechanically gifted and you know how to keep yourself safe from poke, she is an amazing pick for you.

Apart from that, there is not a lot of movement in the B tier. Only Seraphine is leaving for greener pastures while Tristana is dropping down to C tier. Ziggs joins from A tier.

Who Are Our F-Tier Bot Laners?

These are the picks we advise you to forget about this patch. Either their win rates are abysmal or they were nerfed in the patch. So make sure to avoid picking these champions at all costs.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate


Caitlyn has received buffs! Unfortunately, these did nothing about her abysmal mid-game. If you can not get ahead in lane, you will have a really bad time. We did not feel confident in the Piltover Sheriff's ability to carry games and her numbers reflect that, so she remains in F tier for the time being.

Senna is seeing an increase in pick rate, but do not be fooled: her success still lies in the support position due to her unconventional nature as a non-farming marksman. Her wave clear and wave control are still mediocre, so we would recommend to you to get a friend who is playing a farming support with you.

These are all the champions for LoL Patch 13.15 in the bot lane. Which champions are OP in your opinion?

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