Mid Lane Tier List – These Are The Best Mid Laners In LoL Patch 13.15

Are assassins or mages better in the mid lane in League of Legends Patch 13.15? Look no further than this mid lane tier list to find out!

Midlane tierlist header
Mid lane tier list LoL patch 13.15: These are the best mid laners in League of Legends right now! | © Riot Games

Can you hear the crickets chirping here as well? To be quite fair, Patch 13.15 wasn't the most eventful patch for mid laners. However, there are still some super powerful picks for you to check out as midlaner!

Let's check out the best mid lane champions in LoL Patch 13.15 to find out whether your favorite champion is OP right now.

Do you want to read more champion tier lists for the current meta?

Mid Lane Tier List For LoL Patch 13.15: These Are The Best Mid Laners

Let's take a look at our top three picks in the mid lane!

3. Cassiopeia

Spirit blossom cassiopeia
The snek lady made it back into our mid lane tier list's top three. | © Riot Games

Beauty lies in the eye of the observer – and staring at Cassiopeia for too long is definitely dangerous! For all your opponents, that is, because you will be picking her up now.

Will Cassiopeia be able to take on this champ?

Cassiopeia is a somewhat safe mid lane champion. Her W – Miasma gives her a lot of safety against mobile champions and, if correctly placed, will prevent an entire team from trying to engage or to run away! Her laning phase is not the most impressive, but her scaling makes her a reliable damage dispenser in the late game.

2. Xerath

Arcana Xerath
Would this mid lane tier list be complete without a cute eboy champion? | © Riot Games

Don't you hate it when your opponent outranges you? Worry no longer, because the solution to your opponent picking a champion with high range is to pick a champion with even higher range – and Xerath is the king of range!

For a scaling mid lane mage, his laning phase is comparably strong. His incredibly high range allows him to stay safe against his enemies, while his waveclear is not to underestimate! However, Xerath does not have a single point 'n click-spell to his disposal, so you will need some good aim to be effective with him.

1. Naafiri

Naafiri splash header
Naafiri has appeared on top of another tier list. | © Riot Games

No nerfs, no sweat! Naafiri has retained her place on top of the mid lane tier list, and she keeps terrorizing squishy champions all across Summoner's Rift. Right now, players are still acclimating to her kit, but she is doing better than ever!

Naafiri will find herself on the nerfs list for patch 13.16, at which point we will reassess her standing in the current meta. For now, you can still reap all the rewards by bringing her to your ranked games!

Mid Lane Tier List Patch 13.15 in League of Legends

Mid Lane Tier List 13 15
Naafiri is enjoying the view on top of the mid lane tier list. | © Riot Games

Now that we have looked at the S-Tier of LoL Patch 13.15, it's about time that we check out where some of your other favorite champions are. Which of these picks is your main?

Who Are Our A-Tier Mid Laners?

The A-Tier is still considered excellent. These are champions that you can easily pick and still win games. They're the ones you'll want to choose when the S-Tier are banned. So if you want to climb solo queue, then these are some picks you'll want to pick up this patch.


Win Rate

Pick Rate


Aurelion Sol51.42%2.57%



While Zed would definitely deserve a place among the S tier champions, his win rate is still very average. For the moment, we will place him in A tier, but we will be keeping an eye out for his future shenanigans. Until then, make sure to keep the lights on to chase the shadows away.

We are also glad to announce that AP assassins are making a return, with two champions that absolutely nobody has ever been traumatized by: Fizz and Kassadin! Make sure to keep your skills on Irelia sharpened, she is pretty good at dealing with both of them in lane.

Who Are Our B-Tier Mid Laners?

The B-Tier consists of champions that are good, but won't have as much strength as either the A or S Tier — obviously. These are picks you can pick in specific match ups, but we suggest making sure you master the champion before choosing them.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate













The A tier featured mainly champions in the first half of the alphabet. The B tier features mainly champions in the second half of the alphabet. It might look like it, but we swear we did not sort alphabetically when making these tier lists.

If anything, Zoe mains would definitely not like to sort alphabetically when it comes to their champion's power level. Now is a good time to pick her up, but make sure the enemy team does not have a beefy frontline.

And yes, we know that Lux and Malzahar have identical stats. This is not a mistake, and we were equally surprised during writing. If it helps, Malzahar's ban rate (3.16%) is three times as high as that of Lux (1.06%). Sadly, we do not usually list that here.

Who Are Our F-Tier Mid Laners?

These are the picks we advise you to forget about this patch. Either their win rates are abysmal or they were nerfed in the patch. So make sure to avoid picking these champions at all costs... unless you really don't care for your LP and just want to play the one champion you main.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate

Yes, we know. Faker picked Corki in the LCK. He must be pretty good, right? NOPE. Absolutely not.

We also see Lucian occasionally making his way onto the mid lane in pro play, but he somehow manages to be even worse than Corki in the hands of the average solo queue player. Do yourself a favor, play Lucian on bot lane. Or even better, play a different champion because Lucian is generally not good right now.

Tryndamere is only played mid by the most die-hard mains out there, so you might want to take those 51% won games with a healthy grain of salt.

There are a ton of potent mid laners right now and almost every play style can fit into the current meta. Even some flex picks like Renekton could be possible now and then! And beware of the extra minion in your waves!

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