Jungle Tier List – These Are The Best Junglers In LoL Patch 13.15

Need a jungler for your incoming climb? Or are you just autofilled? Well, look no further – this jungle tier list will tell you which champions can help you win on LoL patch 13.15!

Jungl tierlist 13 12
Jungle Tier List LoL Patch 13.15: Who is the best jungler? | © EarlyGame

Ivern, Maokai and Sejuani have been reeled in! Which consequences does this have for our jungle tier list? Look no further – here are the best jungle champions for LoL patch 13.15!

Here are some more Tier Lists:

Jungle Tier List For LoL Patch 13.15: These Are The Best Junglers

Another Darkin made their way to S tier, but they are not quite top three material. Because of that, we would like to give a shout-out to Rhaast and whatever his annoying, edgy +1 in dire need of a haircut is called.

3. Jarvan IV

Lunar Beast Jarvan
Jungle tier lists are temporary, but the glory of Demacia is eternal! | © Riot Games

Not only does Jarvan IV continue the trend of looking like a different age in each splash art, he also keeps climbing the jungle tier list again!

Once again, his reliable combo helps him to make his way back to the top. He is one of the strongest duelists and makes for a good frontline in later teamfights too! He remains popular in every rank, and he is easy to pick up for autofill junglers too. What is not to like about Jarvan IV?

2. Kha'Zix

Lunar guardian khazix lol skin splash art
What a beautiful skin, fitting for Kha'Zix's current performance in the meta. | © Riot Games

It seems like everything runs in favor of Kha'Zix at the moment. His preferred items are strong, and his opposition remains weak. This, combined with his incredibly strong 1v1 potential, makes him by far one of the best picks in solo queue.

Honestly, at this point, if you're a half decent jungler, success with Kha'Zix almost comes automatic. The most important thing is to always keep an eye on the mini map to make out isolated targets. Show them no mercy!

1. Rek'Sai

Rek Sai Lo R Splash
Rek'Sai is now the best jungle champ |©Riot Games

Previously considered one of the forgotten champions, Rek'Sai has seen a rise in popularity after buffs to her bruiser qualities. These overshot the target quite significantly, and she has seen subsequent nerfs in the previous patches. However, she still remains on top of the jungle game!

It seems like players have developed a preference for Stridebreaker as her go-to mythic item. Black Cleaver is still a solid second choice. After that, you should make sure to end the game as quickly as possible. While Rek'Sai is an absolute menace in the early and mid-game, her late game scaling is quite poor. Nevertheless, she rules the jungle in this patch.

Jungle Tier List Patch 13.15 in League of Legends

Jungle Tier List 13 15
Rhaast and Jarvan are making moves on our jungle tier list. | © Riot Games

Now that we have looked at the S-Tier champions of Patch 13.15, it's about time that we check out how some of your other favorite champions rank. Which of these picks is your main?

Who Are Our A-Tier Junglers?

The A-Tier is still considered excellent. These are champions that you can easily pick and still win games. They're the ones you'll want to choose when the S-Tier are banned. So if you want to climb solo queue, then these are some picks you'll want to pick up this patch.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate











If you are a skilled player, you should definitely pick up Nidalee, since she is pretty strong right now! For an easier pick, you could take a closer look at Fiddlesticks. Make sure to deny all enemy vision and prepare the perfect jumpscare!

Who Are Our B-Tier Junglers?

The B-Tier consists of champions that are good, but won't be as strong as either the A or S Tier — obviously. These are picks you can select in specific match ups, but we suggest making sure you master the champion before picking them in ranked.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate













Lee Sin






Master Yi

Nunu & Willump51.93%3.14%



The Boy and his Yeti are doing very well again! If you find yourself autofilled in the jungle, you may want to pick up Nunu & Willump to ensure your team has a healthy frontliner. Also, Zac may have lost a little bit of ground, but he is still a solid pick.

However, we do know that we can not stop you from picking a playmaker and trying to make flashy plays everywhere. Before you dive into your next ranked with Taliyah or Viego, make sure to practice those two a little, just so you do not fall on your face.

Who Are Our F-Tier Junglers?

Do you even want to win a game? Are you not afraid of losing LP and ending up in Iron IV? Well then, if you want to force your favorite champion, go right ahead, but we do not recommend picking these F-Tier junglers in the current meta unless you're a one-trick pony.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate





Naafiri has been terrorizing the rift as a solo laner, but she is not doing well in jungle. With Riot not willing to take any risks on her current balance state, you will be better off playing a different champion.

However, that different champion should not be Wukong. The monkey king has not had an easy time recently, and even the Trinity Force buffs did not help him to get back on his feet. Maybe we will see some buffs for him in the following weeks.

If you want to get the most out of your games, you should probably play our S-tier picks or maybe those in A-tier. You want to win those rankeds after all, right?

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