Warzone Reveal Event For Modern Warfare 3: Release Date & Start Time Confirmed

The 2023 Call of Duty game, which will be called Modern Warfare 3, will be revealed through some kind of in-game event in Warzone 2 during Season 5. This is our prediction for what kind of thing to expect.

Warzone MW3 reveal
The train and planes you can see above were used to reveal CoD Vanguard in Warzone 1. A similar spectacle is expected for Warzone 2's reveal of MW3. | © Activision

If you've been playing Warzone since Year 1 then you already know the kind of event we're talking about. To get people hyped for the new Call of Duty title each year, and to tie their various products together, they reveal the new game with a Warzone event.

The event usually lasts for 24 hours, and will involve you doing some kind of task that isn't related to the normal Battle Royale mode. Once you've done the task a trailer shows for the new game. Let's get into everything we know about this year's event, which will reveal Call of Duty 2023: Modern Warfare 3.

When Will MW3 Be Revealed In Warzone?

Modern Warfare 3 will be revealed via an in-game Warzone event on August 17 during Season 5. This news comes direct from Call of Duty themselves:

So, there you have it, the event is 100% coming in Season 5.

  • If you want to upgrade to next-gen before MW3 is released, the cheapest option is by far the Xbox Series S.

What Will The In-Game Event Look Like?

If the last three years are anything to go by, they will create an event that plays on the major themes of the upcoming game. When they revealed Black Ops Cold War in Warzone, for instance, they gave players random hallucinations as if they were feeling the effects of some kind of mind control. This was a direct reference to Cold War mind control programs that feature heavily in the BOCW campaign.

So what are the major themes of MW3? All we have to go on right now is the ending of Modern Warfare II, and the subsequent raids.

The plot suggests that we are moving away from cartel territory and back to Makarov in Russia, who is about to hijack a plane (presumably the prologue of MW3). We're just guessing here, but we could see the game, and by extension the event, play on themes of Russian ultranationalism and some kind of terrorist threat.

We already know, that the event will have us join the Shadow Company and take on Konni forces and this is what a well-known leaker said:

The rumored MWIII reveal event will have you helping Shadow Company capture missile silos on Al Mazrah while defending those silos from enemies. You will be invading a bunker located under Observatory in search for a Gas Canister which you will exfil with.

As we said, this is very much just a rumor, but we thought you might find the current fan theories interesting.

What do you think the in-game event will be?

CoD 2023 is happening people, get the idea of a two-year-cycle out of your head:

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