Alisa Eiber

Alisa Eiber

I came into contact with my first video game at a very early age. Back then, my seven-year-old brother got a yellow Game Boy Color for his birthday. But as brothers and sisters go, I was told something like, "Alisa, hands off, that's mine." Being the good sister I've always been, I waited until my brother was at soccer practice to sneak into his room later and secretly familiarize myself with the electronic device. Over the years, I accumulated a few consoles. And a lot of games. While CoD was always one of my favorites, I later came across Fortnite, which also enticed me to stream on Twitch under the name AlisaChristina. However, besides streaming, I wanted to make more out of my passion for gaming. Previous jobs at Sky Germany in content and a marketing agency as a marketing manager prepared me for EarlyGame, where I can finally do what I want. Writing about my favorite games. But that's not enough. My studies in Media Acting and Moderation were not in vain either. Our partner Rival Rock hosts awesome Fortnite tournaments on a monthly basis and with our EarlyGame Talk we run a pre-show to introduce this awesome experience.

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